Ret2 Systems: Hacker Wordle
The RET2 SYSTEMS corporation re-wrote the wildly popular game Wordle in its favorite language: C. Now the game is blazing fast, but is it secure?
To solve this challenge, you must pop a shell and exfiltrate the flag.
DISCLAIMER: I did not complete all of the work myself while solving this challenge. I followed along with John Hammond’s live video here:
Hacking Wordle ?! x64 “pwn” Binary Exploitation - RET2 WarGames Platform
pausing along the way and trying to figure things out. I was able to pop the shell after some of his knowledgable nudging and interestingly enough, I used a slightly different character set to get shell.
1. Watch the video and access the Wordle PWN Demo.
2. Pause when necessary, try things out.
3. John got me through a few things that would have likely taken me quite a while but when he stumbled upon the 18, it hit me.
4. I did some python xor’ing and messing around with characters to see how they were ending up on the stack.
>>> chr(0x18 ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x1c ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x1d ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x1a ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x1b ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x6d ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x19 ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x6f ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x1c ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x1d ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x7f ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0xff ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x5e ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x6e ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x40 ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x00 ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x19 ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x40 ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x0d ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0xd2 ^ 0x29)