The Xf4kt0r

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Ret2 Systems: Hacker Wordle

To solve this challenge, you must pop a shell and exfiltrate the flag.

DISCLAIMER: I did not complete all of the work myself while solving this challenge. I followed along with John Hammond’s live video here:

Hacking Wordle ?! x64 “pwn” Binary Exploitation - RET2 WarGames Platform

pausing along the way and trying to figure things out. I was able to pop the shell after some of his knowledgable nudging and interestingly enough, I used a slightly different character set to get shell.

1. Watch the video and access the Wordle PWN Demo.

2. Pause when necessary, try things out.

3. John got me through a few things that would have likely taken me quite a while but when he stumbled upon the 18, it hit me.

4. I did some python xor’ing and messing around with characters to see how they were ending up on the stack.

>>> chr(0x18 ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x1c ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x1d ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x1a ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x1b ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x6d ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x19 ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x6f ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x1c ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x1d ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x7f ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0xff ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x5e ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x6e ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x40 ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x00 ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x19 ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x40 ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0x0d ^ 0x29)
>>> chr(0xd2 ^ 0x29)

5. I had previously tried sending non alphanumeric charcters which worked so I knew I could likely send others get the correct address results for the ret2system function.


6. Now it came down to shifing these charcters to get them to fall in place to pop the shell.

